Every day is a new opportunity to make a change in your life or make an impact on someone else’s. The big 30th, 40th and 50th birthdays are all considered to be “BIG” birthdays, but our florists at 1-800-Flowers Encinitas in Encinitas, CA, are here to help make every birthday celebration the first day to a milestone year.
Our It's A Fine Day Bouquet is a beautiful representation of the year ahead. Share this bright piece of floral encouragement with someone you care about today. Have this flower arrangement delivered straight to their door or deliver them yourself when you drop by their house for a surprise visit. Giving flowers is a beautiful way to encourage the making of a milestone year.
Those 50th birthday celebrations are nothing to shake a stick at. It is an important time in a person’s life where you can look back at all one has accomplished. This makes finding the right 50th birthday gift idea even harder. Remind the recipient of all they have accomplished with a flashback 50th photo album. Memories are a gift making a homemade photo album an ideal 50th birthday gift idea.
A 50th barbeque extravaganza is a great 50th birthday gift idea for the men in your life. Invite family and friends to enjoy time together outside. Grill out and make it a potluck. Set up jumbo Jenga, horseshoes and corn hole. Stock up on plenty of beer and sodas then enjoy the day. Every 50th birthday celebration is meant to be celebrated big!
Every day can be the first day of the rest of your life. You just need the right mentality. Bridge the gap between complacency and success then share it with others. Our florists at 1-800-Flowers Encinitas in Encinitas, CA, are here to help kick off a birthday right with flowers to fit the occasion. Let day one of someone’s new year be the kick off to the making of someone’s milestone year.